Hello all of my POS lurker peeps.....where are y'all? Drop by and say hello, I keep having to hang out on other threads (hello my JA friends

) because we are being too quiet.
My pastor once told me that the most effective weapon of spiritual warfare waged against us is
discouragement. I know we all feel it sometimes, just know that we are being spiritually encouraged and uplifted by someone's prayers all of the time. Here is one for all of us missing our beloveds along with a scripture.
"You hear, O LORD, the desire of the afflicted; you encourage them, and you listen to their cry." Psalm 10:17
God, please give me faith in myself. Not only on the days when I am going great and winning and nothing seems impossible, but especially on the days when I wonder if I am brave enough, smart enough, strong enough. Don't let me quit, not ever. Let me keep encouraged. No matter how many people discourage me, doubt
me, laugh at me, warn me, think me a fool, don't let me listen. Let me hear another voice telling me, "You can do it, and you will!"
If nobody else in the whole world seems to care or believe in me, let me believe in myself. I know there will be times when I doubt my own ability, I will be discouraged, on the verge of despair. Don't let me give up, please hang on to me. Fan the fires of my faith so that I will persist. Give me even more courage in myself. You are the source of my abilities and my belief. I know that you will give me what I ask...victory and peace in myself through your power and glory. Amen.