Hi MissD.
Thank you for having the courage to come and check in and let us know how you are doing. Please vent away, be angry, frustrated or any other feeling... We are not here to judge and we understand it is not directed towards us but the process of immigration. This is an emotional time and it is okay to be angry because you keep reaching for something but there is nothing there to grap and you keep getting let down. And not only that, all of your control has been taken away from you and it feels like your/ hubby's life is in the control of someone else. It is hard to stay positive and keep putting one foot in front of the other, when day after day you keep getting hurt. Eventually that hurt can turn to depression.
I can empathize and sympathize with what you are going through. I'm sorry. Know that the forum family is here to pick you up when you are down. Positive thoughts and prayers to you, hubby and all the other members that are struggling with a range of emotions because this process has taken its toll on you.