jinnie87 said:
I received the same email today even though I have already submitted all the things they listed. I think this is there attempt to give us a chance to update our application if there have been any changes to the information we provided.
This is what I have gathered from the replies I got on my own post.
Please do keep me in the loop if you get any other information.
Please check all the passports date of expiry,if they are ok no need to send the same.
For PCC if it is more thn 1 year old(if submitted with the application) thn do update the the PCCs for all the applicants who are above 18 yrs of age as PCC is only valid for a year.
MISSING SCHEDULE A INFORMATION: Regarding this if you have not updated the section 8 & 12 with current details at the time of application do update the same and send this form asap.

ay it asap for all the applicants and upload the receipts asap too.