vegasIndian said:
Buddy, I am not clear with your situation, what have you applied for?
If your WP has expired and you applied for a Open WP before it expired then you can still keep on working as you will be on implied status.
But if you applied after your WP was expired, then you can't work till your status is restored and you get your new WP.
Hey budd

I applied for PR in Jan and i got my AOR 15 April 15. Thats done!
Now, in Feb 2015 i applied for work permit beofre the expiration of my work permit BUt by the time i applied my PNP letter was expired, as i didnt know it has anything to do with my wp.
The other day i called, and the agent said, my application permit is refused bcz my nomination was expired before i applied. However, he said that the official letter is not issued yet and you may receive it shortly... then i got my AOr on 15 April 15 and i updated my wp application, right? Now they say its refused, but officially i have not received any letter, nor the online status has changed yet, as it still says my application in process and the decision has not been reached yet... processing time and online timeline show that they are working on application submitted before 5 Feb 2015 but i submitted it after 7 Feb 2015.. Now one agent said, stop working as soon as , and the other agent said: technically you didnt receive any letter nor online status has been updated so technically you should continue working.. now what should i do?
Secondly, if the status is still open and i sent them my file number,then it shouldnt be refused right? bcz i didnt get any official letter yet? on phone two agents told me two diff
will it be refused now, based on the story above?
will it be considered, okey? will they issue my open work permit?
Thanks guys, that helps a lot