As many senior members here concerns, the PGP put lots of pressure on the Canada health care system, and it is certainly getting worse because we do not currently make enough doctors and the hospital's beds to meet the demand!
So in my opinion, maybe one of the barriers IRCC could use is to raise the responsibility of the sponsors - private insurance for health care is a must for at least 5 years. Second limiter would be raising higher LICO per family. These two conditions are heavily financial related and it should filter a lot of unqualified sponsors while still helping a bit with the health-care system.
Regarding to the way of doing it: I think I sound crazy but let do a little game where everything get on the table
1/ First round: 5,000 spot: Guaranteed sponsors who have sky-rocket LICO plus 5-year warranty on private insurance
2/ Second round, 10,000 spot: Typing race
3/ Third round, 5,000 spot: Lotto
4/ Fourth round: Anyone can think of anything else? Maybe if our parents have a Job offer???