It happened to me before!
I sent my notes request by email in June (got the auto confirmation right away), then waited till mid August, then emailed them again to inquire about the status of my atip inquiry (forwarded my original email from June). They replied back in 2 days saying that they never received my original request (despite the autoconfirmation)! So after that inquiry they put my request in queue again and it took them a long time to process after that (but this is another story as I asked for visitor visa status info too, as my parents waited for a long time, so they had to make some LVO inquiries). By the time I got their CD, I already had updates in both our case and visitor visa applications

(so the notes were not really helpful in terms of gettign the status of the applications at the time because they came too late, but it was good to have to see to confirm that they got the PCCs and the fees etc.).
Just emailed another request for notes today, we will see how long it will take them (this one is just focused on the parents' PR application and I asked for electronic files by email, so hopefully will not take as long as last time).