Hi guys,
I am hoping someone can answer…. My husband sponsored his mother from India without my consent he is also Canadian citizen. She is waiting to come here in few weeks. And I don’t want her here can I do something to stop her? I found out that my husband sent a copy of my passport without my permission with the sponsorship invitation letter. What can I do? If she comes it will mean divorce for me back my husband. What can I do please help.
I won't be giving my opinion to your stiuation because it is private to you even though you made it a bit public.
To answer your question pertaining to IRCC process, I can may be pitch in as I have applied recently. As somebody pointed out, the invitation letter or sponsorship letter does not hold much of an importance in itself for a Vistior Visa, it is however a mandatory document for Super Visa. Your passport copy is not required at all. For that matter, strictly from the application point of view, you are not in the picture at all hence nothing you can do about it.
May be just may be, for proof of funds- if you both hold a joint account and your spouse has used it then you can pull yourself and your funds out of it. It might be of some help if IRCC checks with the bank then it would be considered misrepresentation and the application might get denied. I might be totally wrong but this is what I would have thought of on my own, if I was in your situation.
Sorry to burst your bubble but it is not upto us who is given entry to Canada. Another thing, even if the spouse wouldn't have sponsored, the parents|siblings|other relatives can always apply for the visitor visa on their own. If they are destiend to come here nobody can stop and if they are not destined to come here no matter how many time one applies it won't work!
Good luck with your life!