We, Fathers Full name and Mothers full name " (Maiden Name) being duly sworn, hereby affirm and state:
1. We reside at "full address including country name".
2. "Father's First Last Name" was born in "City, State, Country," on "Day Month Year".
3. "Mother's First Last Name" was born in "City, State, Country," on "Day Month Year".
4. We have been married since "Day Month Year".
5. "Name of the person for whom this affidavit is being made" is our "son/daughter" who was born on "Day Month Year" in "City, State, Country".
6. "Name of the person for whom this affidavit is being made" married "Spouse Name" (Maiden Name if female) on "Day Month Year", in " city, state, India". We were present at their wedding. This marriage was the first marriage for him/her.