What does your letter says? RCMP clearance with fingerprints or Biometric?
Dear ####:
This is in reference to your application for permanent residence in Canada under the Parents and Grandparents program.
As per Subsection 11(1) of the Immigration and Refugees Protection Act (“the Act”), in order for you to receive
permanent residence an officer must be satisfied that both you and your applicable family members are not inadmissible
and meet the requirements of the Act.
Furthermore, Subsection 16(1) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act states that: “A person who makes an
application must answer truthfully all questions put to them for the purpose of the examination and must produce a visa
and all relevant evidence and documents that the officer reasonably requires.”
In order to assess your eligibility and admissibilities, an officer has deemed the following as required:
- ####:
> Fingerprints: As you have travelled outside of Canada during the processing of this application, you and
your spouse are now required to submit Biometrics in support of this application. The Biometrics Instruction Letter has
been sent to you separately. You have 30 days from the date of the instruction letter to complete the requirement.
This must be received at this office by: 2021/11/28.
nothing about RCMP