Hello Friends, my father got email from CIC to submit the passports with two photographs. In the email, it asked to complete also a form(which is in the email as Appendix B) with different information(name, DOB, place of birth, citizenship,Gender, Passport#, date of expiry, height and eye color) for both applicant and spouse.
I have two questions related to that:
1. Do I need to print the email and complete that in that email hard copy paper?
2. In the top of Appendix B, before the form, it has written:
Please complete this form for yourself, your spouse/common-law partner, and your dependent children who will accompany you to Canada.
Do I need to complete and submit that form (Appendix B) separately for both of my father and mother?
Any one who has recently submitted the passport and have done the same thing, it would be great help if you could help me in this regard.
I am from Bangladesh. Thanks in advance.