who on the planet earth ask for lottery system for parents and pure gambling!!! Ive been playing lottery all my life and never won anything. What are the chances I will win my parents. This is most ridiculous system Feds could come up with.
Your chances are roughly 1 over (number of those interested/number of places available/average size of PGP families). It's been about 10,000 individuals per year.
Here are the options, given that they are NOT going to open it up for anyone who wants and there will always be a strict numerical cap:
-a waiting list (first come first served) which will invariably and quickly grow to a 10-30 year wait;
-a lottery system;
-a 'pay against demand' system i.e. much higher fees for those willing to pay - ideally an auction, where they once every couple years let sponsors 'bid' to bring their parents in (everyone bids, they set a cut-off level for number of people, and all bids above the lowest winning bid pay the same amount).
The last would be a lot faster but probably get quite expensive. Australia has a scheme where there's a different queue for those who pay more - like $50-60k I think? - and even so the queues are many-years-long. (My wild guess is that only a fee north of $200k would come close to 'clearing' the queue, possibly $500k).
Canadian politicians generally believe that the public would be VERY upset at full-pay schemes, and that it would be akin to just more benefits for the rich. So don't hold your breath.
But those are the choices, basically: charge a lot more; make it a very long (infinite) queue; or a lottery.