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Outland sponsorship of a spouse, please I need your advices. (Québec)


Full Member
May 31, 2015
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
Hello everybody,

I hope this is the right place to ask....

To begin, I would like to thank you all for any kind of advice or help that you may offer. So thank you very much in advance! Now I would like to introduce myself and explain my situation to make it more comprehensible...

I am a spaniard who came to Canada and Canada has now changed my life... After I get my WHV (Working Holiday Visa), I decided to start a new life in Ontario where I arrived on February 28th 2014. On September 1st 2014, after 6 months fighting for a job and stability, I decided to give myself another opportunity and try my fortune in Québec. A week after arriving in Montreal, I found a job in my field and started working after my first interview... Life continued smiling upon me and two weeks after I met the woman who changed my life... A few months later, my boss decided to start a "Skilled Worker Visa" process with the intension to hire me due to the visa (WHV) I had was about to expire on February 27th 2015. We started with the process on January 7th 2015, but unfortunately the visa was denied on April 27th 2015. The same day I received an email from the CIC (Citizenship and Immigration Canada) explaining that I had to apply for a review or another type of visa (visitor or student) within 90 from the expiry of my temporary resident status.

In the meantime, our relationship started growing increasingly from the first day till today and of course, we want even more... On March 3rd 2015, thinking of our future, we decided to sign a lease to start living together on July 1st 2015. Now, after we realized the harsh truth, we are trying to do as much as possible to be together, so we have been talking with few people involved in a same or similar situation, and this is what we decided to do:

1. We are getting married on June 23rd 2015.

2. In the meantime, till we get married, we are going to compile all we need to apply to a sponsorship under a family class category, as she is Canadian.

3. Before (maybe one week earlier) my current temporary resident status expire on July 26th 2015, I will apply to a Visitor Visa to get 6 months (could I ask one year?).

4. After we receive our marriage certificate at the end of July, we will apply for sponsorship under a family class category through Paris (outland) to reduce the processing times.

5. I will stay in Canada as a tourist and cross our fingers and toes till we get a definitive response!

If I didn't forget something, this is the plan... so what do you think? I'm all ears!
We will be more than grateful for any advice, comment, suggestion or ideas you may share with us... so thank you very much in advance!

I also want to apologize for my grammar mistakes... I tried to do my best.

I hope you guys have an amazing week.

Thank you very much, I wish you all the best!


Dec 9, 2016

I'm in a similar situation with my boyfriend and I wanted to know how your application had gone? How is your story turning out? Good I hope ! :)

Thanks !


Full Member
May 31, 2015
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
Hello there,

I got my PR in April!
You can find my posts here, in the forum, just look for it... I wish you luck.

Merry Christmas! ;)