If you don't have a credit card, you could have someone at home go to a Canadian financial institution and pay for you - and then you pay them back, or wire money to them . . . You, or they, can contact the Call Centre and request the receipt form, or if they know where to find their local CIC office, they can visit there and pick some up. One thing - there is information to be filled out on the back of the receipt form that goes from the bank to CIC - so make sure whomever is making the payment for you has your name and address information as it will appear on your PR application. Then they will have to send to you the original receipt, by mail, which is rather scary because, if it's lost, you've no way to prove you paid because you have to submit that original with the PR application.
I'd suggest that an easier (and possibly more secure) way would be for you to wire money to someone at home, and either you or they could make the payment via their credit card online. The system allows creation of a username/password log-in that allows you to go back into the system as many times as you need to in order to review your payments or print receipts - so, conceivably, they could make the payment for you and enter all your info (print a receipt for safety sake), and then give you the log-in info so you can access the payment information and print out your own original receipt to include with your application. Hope this helps.