Hi, my wife was selected for an interview in her native country, Ukraine. As per advice of our "lawyer" , she had nothing to worry about, it's a simple formality. She went there and met with a very rude officer at Canadian embassy in Kiev. The officer expressed her belief that our relationship is nothing more than marriage of convenience. It was apparent from the very beginning that officer has made up her mind BEFORE the interview even started. At the end of the interview , the officer threatened to ban my wife from visiting Canada for 5 years. She took her passport and without any explanation left the interview room. To say that we're shocked and literally live in the state of despair is to say nothing. Our relationship is genuine , we love each other very much! I don't know what the hell to really think right now..She has multi entry visa to Canada. Im ready to fight refusal to the end. What are the chances that they not only refuse our application , but also annule her tourist visa and ban her from visiting Canada for 5 years? Pls help