Hello, hope you're all well.
My Canadian Fiance and i met back in 2013 when I was in Canada under a working visa. After one year my visa (IEC temp work visa) expired and I went back home to the UK (Uk resident) and waited until I reapply for my second IEC visa. While I was home we both continued our relationship long distance.
I retuned to Canada in may 2014 on my second work visa and we have been living together ever since. I plan on extended my stay in Canada as a tourist so we can ensure our common law relationship goes past the consecutive 12 month requirement.
Now we are applying for common law sponsorship outside of Canada (As I will be returning home in June); however, when reading through some of the forms we got quite confused as to whether we were doing this correctly..
In part 2 - Immigration Forms on form IMM5490E - Sponsored spouse/partner questionnaire - Question 28: "Are you currently living with your sponsor?" Yes or No? Our answer will be no as I will be in the Uk and she will in Canada when we submit. The question then asks "If no when did your sponsor move back to Canada?". This is where we get consufsed because my Fiance has never lived outside of Canada and therefore has no return date. Is there something we are not seeing or is this the incorrect form for our situation?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
many thanks.
My Canadian Fiance and i met back in 2013 when I was in Canada under a working visa. After one year my visa (IEC temp work visa) expired and I went back home to the UK (Uk resident) and waited until I reapply for my second IEC visa. While I was home we both continued our relationship long distance.
I retuned to Canada in may 2014 on my second work visa and we have been living together ever since. I plan on extended my stay in Canada as a tourist so we can ensure our common law relationship goes past the consecutive 12 month requirement.
Now we are applying for common law sponsorship outside of Canada (As I will be returning home in June); however, when reading through some of the forms we got quite confused as to whether we were doing this correctly..
In part 2 - Immigration Forms on form IMM5490E - Sponsored spouse/partner questionnaire - Question 28: "Are you currently living with your sponsor?" Yes or No? Our answer will be no as I will be in the Uk and she will in Canada when we submit. The question then asks "If no when did your sponsor move back to Canada?". This is where we get consufsed because my Fiance has never lived outside of Canada and therefore has no return date. Is there something we are not seeing or is this the incorrect form for our situation?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
many thanks.