You are so right Nix. from the very begining I was always trying to ask the same thing. you just catched my question so properly.Even my understanding is the same .There should be no Gap in personal history section (its crystal clear and it is also clearly explained in the form)I didnt leave any gap in personal history section.
But I cant understand why they pointed the Gap in education history section. Offcourse there is gap after I finish my elementary school and before joining high school and there is Gap after I finish my high school and before joining college and so on.
but they only pointed the time gap betwen elementary school and high school and never pointed the time gap between high school and college. I dont know what to do
now I am planning to write things like study break or waiting for college to start and bla bla but how do i explain this kind of situation because the education history section goes like this
from To Name of Institution City and country Types of certificate or diploma issued
2006/01 2007/01 finshed school and waiting for college to start NY, USA ????????????????????
what do i write under type of certificate or diploma??do I just write N/A or none
I know you guys didnt had to go through this situation because we all know and Its freaking crystal clear that there canbe gaps between courses/degrees. We only account for the time we attended school/college under education history section. and Rest of the times and activities go under personal history section
What should I do guys I cant ignore and send the document as it is I also doubt even if i explain each and every time frame in education history they might return my application again.(because nobody has explained none education time under education history)
should I just write a note to them explaining its Okay to have gap in education history section we only account the time we attend the school. whats the best way to deal with it? any idea
nix1 said:
dipen said:
Thanks Dnatraj I would also be writing study break for the gaps. As this is under education history section it goes like this
from To Name of Institution City and country Types of certificate or diploma issued
2006/01 2007/01 Study break NY, USA ????????????????????
what do i write under type of certificate or diploma?? just write N/A
Is that what we do?
How did you get that long break from school? Or is it just a format? I think you are not filling out the forms correctly. You do not mention your school break or vacation or employment under Education History section. In that section, you only write the times you were in school/college. Even if you did not finish a degree, you mention it there and write start to end dates and under type of certificate or diploma, write NONE.
The gaps/vacations/employment/unemployment/jail time, you write those under personal history section. It is fine to have gaps between degrees/programs (I had plenty of gaps). Only thing CIC does not like is gaps between dates under personal history. Make sure you have accounted for all the dates even if you were not doing anything (which is unemployed).