Then Show Documents related to Citizenship, Passport, PR Details Etc. Etc. I have shown my relation with cousin by submitting these docs. ( Citizenship Copy, Driving License, Bank Details for Address, Ontario Health Card, Passport copy of Cousin, Passport Copy of Her mother and My father's to show relationship by showing same Grandfather name in Passport.)
Thanks what about below question
7.4 Proof of Compensation (mandatory)
Proof of compensation from previous and current employers for all periods of work (foreign and Canadian) stated in your application. Proof may include copies of:
Pay stubs, pay cheques or pay statements,
Bank statements showing salary deposits,
Income tax documents, or
Letter(s) from employer(s) explaining why this proof is not readily available.
Note: It is recommended that you provide proof for the first and last month for each work experience.
Question is, Do we need all the documents or any one of them? We don't have income tax in UAE!