For me 10 min was enough to answer all the questions and review once.
Test Steps:
1- You will be waiting in the waiting room and then an officer will tell you that the exam is easy and you have to be calm.
2- asking everyone to stand in a row holding his permanent residence card and the test invitation letter.
3- the officer will check the letter and the PR and give you a pencil and the answer paper which is a paper on the top your personal details (name...) and on the bottom numbers from 1 to 20, in front of each number four letters in A B C D.
4- Enter the exam room and the staff give you instructions on the exam and test paper in English or French as you want.
5- when done your test you have to give both answer and question papers and the pen to the officer then go to the waiting room.
6- Five minutes later you will hear your name go to the officer who will congratulates, tells your score, seen your original documents and tell you when you will receive the ceremony invitation letter.
rachel07 said:
WOW!!!you updated so soon ..thank you long did the entire procedure take ??
That's a good score ...well done ...hope you get your oath soon ...
I am still waiting for the test invite
