Djn1993 said:
It didn't say any of that

I am the sponsor and the only email I got says,
"This confirms that your application to Sponsor a Member of the Family Class has been received by Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) on 2014/10/17 on behalf of the following member(s):"
oops I just realized what I typed, AOR and SA is two different emails.
I take it you got this email:
Dear Client,
This email confirms that your complete Application to Sponsor a Member of the Family Class was received by Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) at the Case Processing Centre in Mississauga on October 28, 2014, on behalf of the following family member(s):
What happens next?
You may be contacted at any time during this process to provide additional information before a decision is made by an officer. Once a sponsor's eligibility has been assessed, the sponsor is informed of the eligibility decision in writing.
Please note that while the sponsorship application is in process, email inquiries about the status of the application will not be acknowledged and you will not receive a response.
For further information about the sponsorship process, please refer to CIC's website at
Have you got the SA?