cfbebe said:
Hi guys,
I need some help. A friend of mine applied for her PR. ..same group and timeline as you guys. She has done her medical May 7th but hasn't heard anything from cic. She is all worriied cause she hasn't been asked to pay for her PR fee. So I wanted to know if they send an extra email to pay or if the request was in the email with the medical.
Advice please
Hi cfbebe,
RPRF is a separate email, with all necessary instructions.
Has your friend's ECAS status updated with "Medicals Received" or "Decision Made" status yet?
As a procedure RPRF is supposed to follow once the medical results have been received and deemed fit by cic, at the time of decision making. However that seldom happens, as the email is sent out in batches to candidates around the medical requests.
Honestly, each case is unique in itself, so application of stats and trends is a good tool to to get a rough estimate however losing one's sleep over it, ain't good.
My two cents for your friend, is to hang in there. We still have people from July, Aug & Sep who are still waiting to hear. It is not too late until it has crossed the 12 month SLA. Please avoid additional communication with CIC as much as possible.
Stay Calm and be patient, you have come a long way and light is just at the end of tunnel.
Hope that helps