@vvarma @prt22 Thanks for the comments

. I understand your point of view. I am not going to comment anyhting. here is the copy of the email that was sent. Thanks again.
Very inconsistent information
hoc.ottawa@mea.gov.in, +2
4 days ago
Good evening Sir/Madam,
1) The information is very inconsistent and documents checklist doesn't match with the link below from hci Ottawa FAQ.
2) Bls checklist for Ottawa is inconsistent for the surrender certificate.
Under checklist it asks for Canadina Passport Copy with an An asterisk .
* Additional document for Foreign Passport holders required, please see details in Information Booklet
Under Information Booklet , it is mentioned Original Canadian passport + Copy.
(e) Canadian / Foreign Passport (Original and copy) Please enclose photo page of your Canadian / Foreign Passport having photographs and details of your passport. Original Passport is required to be submitted for verification, it will be returned back after verification. Copies must be self-attested (signed) by the applicant. # In case of foreign passport i.e., other than Canadian please provide additional documents about Status in Canada (PR / Work Permit / Study Permit / Visa)
Contact center says copy enough.
3) The FAQ has 119 dollars and the BLS has 345 .
4) No appointments available past 3 months and next 2 months for Ottawa Jurisdiction, we don't even know if something really available in June 2022.
If BLS had hard time to maintain please outsource the contact center or high commission can handle all application through online ( I'm sure indian stake holders need to look for some upgrades in digital revolution).
It is way easy to get indian passport in India than surrender it in Canada and get OCI. It's a nightmare.
Billions of dollars sent by OCI holders and NRI's , we whish the services had met some good standards.
3 Jurisdictions have 3 different policies and conditions, makes no sense to understand. Please extend all services to all BLS centers where appointments not available.
Please update your website with fee details,
Link below.
Thank you
Bedt regards,
P.S. I was the family doctor for first and second secretery for HCI Maldives (2010-2012) & Ambassador ,Embassy of India ,Kabul, Afghanistan (2014-2015) , reach out to them if you would like to know my accomplishments with HCI Maldives & Embassy of India ,Kabul, Afghanistan. I Put Many afforts in changing the set of Guidlines for Medical visas and Paitnet transportation which lead to significant changes in the process.