If you pay cash the only fees saved will be the Debit card fee of $0.7 (70 cents) per application assuming you would want the documents delivered to your place after processing. You will still be charged for BLS service and courier + HST on the sum.Thanks. Just one question about the fees. I have a $ 425 draft for OCI. Can I pay the rest in Cash ?
How much cash will it be if I submit in person and opt for 2 courier deliveries?
Otherwise you can ask BLS to retain the documents after processing and you can go and pickup which means you will save another $7 per application approx. Courier service is not mandatory.
Different surrender fees has been reported by forum members as per their situation (mail-in, walk-in and BLS Brampton/Toronto). So better to confirm with BLS you plan to apply at directly or carry an additional $10-20 as you never know what unexpected expense(copying/printing of document) can come up based on the situation.