Picked up my son's OCI on Friday from BLS Brampton. Here comes my rant :
The pick up process for minors is extremely horrible, they needed both parents to be present just to sign on their so called BLS registers.
I went alone to pickup on thursday after confirming by call to BLS that one parent is enough to pick up for minors, but they refused to give me the OCI.
When asked what to do with my 3 month old son, their reply was "Your son doesnt have to come but mother has to come for pick up" . Not everyone can arrange to have their kids taken care off while picking up documents.
I asked why mother is not needed when applying and they have stickers asking not bring infants on their walls due to harsh weather but need both parents for pick up, their reply was "That is the policy, BLS policy", its not a directive from the consulate, its BLS policy.
I saw a couple bring their 4-5 month old kid on Friday for pickup making them wait in the cold for more than what was needed, absolutely little consideration for kids.
All in all, its money that those VERY CONSIDERATE PEOPLE want, they want the pickup experience to be as bad as possible so people will opt for delivery by post which cost I think $70 even if you live 5-7kms from BLS office which doesnt make sense.
If you opt for pickup they dont need both parents signature( oh the irony in that).
So people picking up passport/OCI for minors, please be prepared.