I have a very strange situation.
Aor 28th Nov.
My husband is studying in Schulich School Of Business. He entered Canada on 30th April on Work Visa. He had his student visa renewed to Work Visa. He has student visa before our AOR.
Last week when we called CIC to check our status, my husband informed his about his entry and asked if it needs to be informed to CIC. The agent said it's good to inform and said would sent the web form link to the primary email address of our application. My email address is primary and his is secondary.
Soon we got the mail from him in my email address as expected. My husband however wrote the LOE stating that he entered Canada and submitted address and other proofs. He submitted the web form through his email address (it's updated as the secondary email address)
We just received a reply on our web form. Here it goes:
Thank you for contacting Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).
We have verified the file of Upasana Banerjee and were unable to find information stating that you are their representative.
Privacy Act ensures that a person's identity and personal information are protected. For this reason, we cannot take action on your request since this file contains personal information about another person.
In order to respond to your inquiry, Upasana Banerjee must provide written consent to IRCC by completing the
Use of a Representative form and submitting it via the
IRCC Web form. You may also contact the appropriate
governing body to verify that you are a member in good standing.
Now, my query is:
1. First of all, he is the dependant and his email address is provided. Why did we get such a reply? As my email address is primary and as I am the primary applicant, only web form would be accepted from my email address and LOE should only be written by by the primary applicant only and not by dependent?
2. Here is the most strange part. I called cic this week again to check our status..And while verification of my identity i was asked about my email address. I provided mine but he did not seemed confident. Then I have my husband's email address and he agreed to proceed. The agent (Jeremy) then said my husband's email address is the one they have.
Though last week the previous agent said he would send the web form to the primary email address and it reached my inbox...!!!
Jeremy also said nothing has started on our profile where as the previous agents said file was in process internally.
Does this mean that that Jeremy gave me wrong information??
Please suggest what to do...I am so confused right now.