This is a very detailed post. Thank you

I would be travelling with my pet too. A persian cat er adopted.
Air Canada was our 1dt option. However the size they mentioned when we called them for cabin..It was too small. We checked in vet shops and found that the carrier size they suggested is good for only a guiniea pig.
However Air Canada is direct flight so better that way..And if u choose cargo for ur pet then no issues.
I am very reluctant in keeping my pet in Cargo. I would prefer to keep ke with me, so Air Canada option has been waved off.
Now we are looking for Lufthansa. We called them, and their cat carrier dimension allowed in cabin is 118cm dimension. 8kgs total. This is way bigger and does not give a restriction to any particular size dimension. Only issue is it has 2 stop at Germany.
So whichever flight u choose, call them up 1st to get to kMow their rules of carrying pet. Each has their own.
Microchip is not required, but we were told in India it is required. Do if u ever plan to bring ur pet to India, they won't allow it in if no microchip is there from India.
Lastly Canada does not need quarantine..But India needs. Pet won't be allowed to leave India if there is no Quarantine certificate from India. Again, another useless step. I am from Kolkata and I visit the animal husbandry, i was told they will give quarantine certificate if we have all vaccinations record in place and updated..And health certificate.
I am still waiting for PPR..But started the vaccinations. 2 vaccines are require for cat.
Please let me know if u need any more information. Would be glad to help