wow..a cat! I knew there was a connection. Lol.
Are the airlines giving any info on how would they care for the pet during stops? Are these stops longer than an hour?
And the Quarantine certificate - Is it 15 days before travel or I can get even now and keep?
I would love to keep her with me in the cabin,but I just dont want her scared. Or worse offend other passengers that may raise hue and cry for nothing. I love my cat, they dont have to.
If she starts crying or worse pee or poop in the carrier, it will be a tough situation in the cabin.
Yes..huge connection in here..

I am not sure if they give any details about how they woukd take care of the pet during stops(if in cargo). If in cabin it would be our responsibility.
Well, if we check the flight details on their website, we would know the layover details, like the timing. I did not ask these as I will take my cat with me. I trust no one else other than me when it comes to travelling so far.
Quarantine certificate and health certificate should be max within 10 days from the day of your flight. That is what Animal Husbandry told me.
My cat panics even when we take her out in the car. We will cover her cage with some cloth so that she cannot see clearly (that is how she is taken to the vet) if she sees something so freaks out. Just sound would definitely matter but I think she would still be better than watching anything.
Even if she cries or creates a fuss, the same is done by babies in flight and people get offended. People would always have problem no matter what. Parents don't leave their kids and board a flight, I wouldn't do the same.
My cat is my baby and it is my responsibility to take her safely no matter who has what issues.

Similarly if she poops, which she would and if I am not allowed to clean it, would ask for some room fresheners. I was not allowed to clean it, so its not my fault. If people has issues, I would ask them to speak with the crew..or best ask them to deal with it!!!! LOL