This NOC 4011 is complete mess. Canada should follow Denmark immigration system for University professors recruitment; otherwise, they could get more applicants and those applicants will will suffer once they land in Canada without job since Canadian Universities standards are far higher than any developing countries universities standard. For instance, if you want to enter in India's college or universities, journal publication is not mandatory, even people have publications which are not from SCI/SCIE/SSCI ..etc., indexed journals since those are reputed and recognized journals. Many spend a lot of money with full of dream that they can land in Canada universities professor job once they receive PR, but reality is very different. I'm not negative but saying the trend. I made this post when I saw Mphil,MEd, MSC degree holders spending money and dreaming about university professor job in Canada. Guys, without PhD forget about university professor job in Canada. Even you have PhD then top-tier publications play vital role. Wait, it is not over...U have both PhD and top tier journal publications then your university's (where you got PhD)world ranking play a huge role. There are recognized word ranking systems exist, such as Times Higher Edication, QS Ranking, Shanghai Jiao Tong, etc.,
All I can say is, equip yourself by knowing the trend before you land in Canada.