Hi Friends,
I got my Indian PCC in the 9th Week, but received my wife's PCC with in a week. Couple of my friends who applied for both Birth certificate and PCC together from Indian Consulate received within 2 weeks.
So I would suggest for future applicants, if you want to receive the PCC faster, apply for both Birth Certificate and PCC together from Indian consulate eventhough you already have a birth certificate. The amount($40 including $20 fees for VFS) you pay for only PCC through VFS is the same amount that you pay for applying both(PCC & Birth Certificate each $20) through Indian consulate. Hope this helps for people who are planning to apply for PCC in the future and wish to receive it quickly.
One more suggestion for people who are applying for only PCC through VFS. Photographs are not required and the VFS agents won't accept the photos, so don't waste your 10 bucks unnceccasarily.
All the best for those who have already applied.