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new NOC list of 38


Oct 13, 2008
Hi everyone

I know some are waiting for this magical list allegedly in November but can someone advise me when it was actually announced by CIC that this was what was happening.

I know that those who applied after February are almost in limbo but when did authorities and lawyers etc know.

I am asking because we used arepresentative in May who did not mention this to us, we found out ourselves by surfing but after we had paid fees etc. I am now wondering if we were misled.

Thanks for your time


Hero Member
Dec 3, 2007
Middle East
well,i think the first news abt the proposed changes was made to public around 15th of March.may b some other member could ve a more accurate idea.U can also check CIC official website to be more certain.


Hero Member
Wait and see. Would the new hot list be out after election is question that depends upon the election results. If the ruling government reurned to power, this list will made public after the elections. If they failed , new govt will have its own immigration policies. Just wait & see!


VIP Member
Jun 13, 2008
Job Offer........
CIC has not published too much about these changes. You pretty much have to look for it to find it on their website. There is a thing at http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/laws-policy/irpa.asp and according to that, the government proposed the changes on March 14. At that time they were only saying that they would not process all applications anymore and that they would give priority to certain occupations and applications not given priority could be held or returned along with processing fees. Later, the minister seems to have been clarifying in different meetings with different people how the new rules will change things. As far as I know, none of this is posted on the CIC website.

On this website, it tells of the list of 38 and the policy now seems to be that people not on the list need not apply for skilled worker, see http://www.canadavisa.com/canadian-federal-skilled-worker-applicant-occupation-080904.html

On http://www.canadavisa.com/canadian-federal-election-results-conservative-minority-government-081015.html it says that the list is expected in the beginning of November.


Oct 13, 2008
Hi again

Thanks for your answers. We know we have to wait and see.

I was just curious as to why attorneys would take our money and advise us to go this way after March when they already new of this legislation.

I have a job offer now so this application is not really applicable anymore.

I think I have a good reason not to pay the attorney any more money though.
Once again thanks for your time


VIP Member
Jun 30, 2005

niftyneil said:
Hi again

Thanks for your answers. We know we have to wait and see.

I was just curious as to why attorneys would take our money and advise us to go this way after March when they already new of this legislation.

I have a job offer now so this application is not really applicable anymore.

I think I have a good reason not to pay the attorney any more money though.
Once again thanks for your time
1. Note that it is only a rumour that there are 38 job NOC descriptions on the list, you will have to wait to see what jobs make the cut.
2. Because the lawyers don't know what jobs are on the list, and they wish to keep their fees coming, once everyone knows the job list, those not on the list, or don't have an AEO or are not working in Canada or are unable to obtain a PNP certificate, won't bother to apply.



Hero Member
An important note.... Please read "Immigration representatives" on http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/representative/index.asp

Warning: Don’t be the victim of a scam.
Read this important notice.

Immigration representatives are people who offer immigration advice or assistance to visa applicants, usually for a fee.

You do not need to hire an immigration representative. It is up to you. The Government of Canada treats everyone equally, whether they use the services of a representative or not.

If you choose to hire a representative, your application will not be given special attention by the immigration officer. Your representative also cannot guarantee that your application will be approved.

All the forms and information that you need to apply for a visa are available for free on this website. If you follow the instructions in the application guide, you can complete the application forms and submit them on your own.

For more information, see Tips on choosing an immigration representative in the Related Links section at the bottom of this page.

Any person intending to immigrate to Canada "Who can read,write & understand English languge can do his/hers application by hiself/herself. Donot pay huge sums to lawyers if you understand you can do it yourself. Good luck to all.