hvhs01 said:
Hi everyone!
first of all congrats getting your files completed and sent. I wish I could say the same about my application.
I am new to this website and am having some trouble with my application. I am a canadian Citizen who is looking to sponsor my husband in India. Our marriage is an arranged marriage however we have been talking for a little under a year before our marriage. the first and only time I met him was when I went to India to marry him. My trip to India was only 4 weeks (this was all my work would approve without me quitting my job). so 2 weeks before the wedding to shop and prepare and 2 weeks after the wedding to spend time with my husband. Due to the short time we did not really go anywhere for a honeymoon however we did spend a few nights at hotels when we were travelling far from home and I have lots of picture from our date nights. unfortunately I am unable to travel back to India anytime soon without the risk of losing my job. other people have suggested that he applies for a visitors visa to come see me.
My questions are:
1. If we apply for a visitors visa and it rejects will this effect the sponsorship application?
2. has anyone else gone through a similar experience like mine?
3. do you think if i provide enough proof of relationship my application will reject or we will be called for an interview?
PLEASE HELP!!!!! what can I do to make my file stronger.
First off congrats on your wedding..
Is it suggested people apply for visit visa after applying for PR - generally after getting sponsor approval , since its hard (not impossible) to get a visit visa for a spouse. A spouse applying for visit visa and being rejected is high which will cause a red flag for the PR process (though not the end of the world)
Though we are technically arranged (we are family friends and have know each other since kids and grew up together; started liking each other) our parents got us arranged with our initiation. The visa office in Delhi and the visa officer knows its sometimes the norm in India for a marriage to be arranged. In your case you will provide relationship proof for the times you were in contact after the engagement (call logs, chat logs, general and engagement photos); rely heavily on the wedding relationship proof and post wedding proof.
You case wont be rejected because it was an arranged marriage with enough proof.
We showed our engagement photos, post engagement relationship proof, the wedding photos, honeymoon and post wedding photos. We have got SA and waiting for next stage.
Hope that helps