fiza11 said:
I know Anaru....all these fraud marriages are costing us today. However, visa officer should also see the timeline of second marriage. You can tell if person gets married the very next year when he/she gets divorced, there might be something fishy? There are lot of ways one can figure out the fraud marriage.....the shocking truth is that genuine cases gets stuck where fraud cases are still getting cleared.
Having a second marriage, a simple marriage should not always be red flags

. This wait time is scaring me....Don't know what is in store for me

It does not matter anything as long as you have submitted all the required docs
If two people say we are in relation
Third person cannot find anything about it and this is fact
If you have submitted all the proofs and necessary documents then it should be fine
Whether its 1st/2nd
If You love both each other and you have submitted everything
That should be fine
I know people give divorce sometimes.Not only fake one but also real ones because of any reason in relationship
So they don't think that way that divorce is some red flag
We all know what divorce means in native white people. 58% marriages fail in canada
It does not mean person cannot do marriage again after legal divorce .
It is not a red flag...everyone gets visa one day after spouse sponsorship and meet his/her soul mate
Only security and criminal record is a problem.
Dont worry