antemeridiem said:
Hi all
I am new to this forum. Thank you for creating this forum & helping for queries.
Can someone please point to right direction:
Where can I track my file?
Which month files are being processed right now?
I also read some acronyms, what do they mean?
Hello antemeridiem..
Well the current CIC step one (initial assessment) stands at 48 days after which it goes to New Delhi Visa Office (NDVO) at which point its anyone's guess how long it'll take to finally get the visa but the whole process can take upto 15 months as per CIC (granted you have all the documents and there aren't any issues with your file)
Here is a link to CIC website to check the times:
Also few of the common acronyms used here are:
AOR - Acknowledgement of Receipt (its when you receive a letter from CIC that comes along with an UCI#)
UCI - Unique Client Identifier (unique# given to you and your spouse)
SA - Sponsor Approval (Its when CIC approves you as a Sponsor and sends your file to NDVO)
IP - In Process
DM - Decision Made
PPR - Passport request
ADR - Additional Documents Requested
There are few more that are used, however these the most common ones used here.
Hope this helps and good luck with everything