love187 said:
Guys there are 615 Spousal Cases for June Applicants, 507 Spousal cases for July applicants, 409 Spousal Cases for August applicants, and 109 Spousal cases for September applicants.
September folks should be getting their visa quickly
I hope your right about the September applicants getting their visa quickly....only thing is ...we have to wait until the rest of you guys get urs before they even open our files! :O ....

.....they REALLY need to hire more staff...or atleast offer overtime to their employees so that they can catch up and make up for all the backlog from the months they were on strike last year!!! ......seriously...this time and distance is hurting a lottt of ppl and relationships !!

....well..what can we do? ..just keep praying that we all get reunited with our loved ones quickly..!
I dont just soo frusterated with the system..i was born and raised abiding my taxes...everything for all 24 years of my life..and the first time i require a government service like this....and its causing so much distress and patience........we deserve muchhh better than this.... they should show more compassion and trust to us...just open the file...check check check if everything is thre, and issue the passport with visa to the person we chose to marry and spend our life with !!
How hard can it be? ......seriously!