happyjoyjoy said:
I received a uci number and application number but is this an aor?? I checked my status and 1st part still showing files been received and the 2nd portion says files been received and medical has been received, so should I be looking for in process?
and when or what day do they usually change status in the first portion cuz I heard its wed or Thur morning? I checked today and nothing

so disappointing everyday is a struggle
happyjoy the uci no and file no is the aor (CAN U SHARE THE AOR DATE?).........but your e-cas says that u still haven't been approved........it shld be like this
Sponsorship (STAGE1)
1.We received your application to sponsor NAME on DATE 2013.
2.We started processing your application on DATE 2013. (sometimes u might not have this step which is ok)
3.We sent you a letter on DATE about the decision on your application. Please consider delays in mail delivery before contacting us.
Permanent Residence (STAGE2)
1.We received NAME application for permanent residence on DATE
2.We started processing NAME application on DATE.
3.Medical results have been received.
4.A decision has been made on NAME application. The office will contact NAME concerning this decision.
5.NAME entered Canada at Lester B Pearson International Airport, Terminal No. DATE and became a Permanent Resident. (for eg if u entering toronto)