I am shomnath from kolkata,India
My family thinking to immigrate to Canada in future.Please tell what will be best way to do that
i appeared on 10th stander (i am planing to do MEDICAL LAB TECHNICIAN Or Certificate in OPERATION THEATER TECHNICIAN) As heard medical line is good to immigrate in Canada ? or should i do Nutritionist as that seam easy ? (Good in English Studied From CBSE Board) My birth year 1994 so their was a study gap.
My sis studying Environmental Science Honors (2nd year) + Also she can do Nursing course ...will that be good? (Good in English as Studied in CBSE Board too)
My Dad Business Owner (Furniture Shop) And he can either start a furniture business or start a farm (in Saskatchewan or Manitoba) Depends what he will like after he is their as he can't decide it yet and said he will take step what he will do their depends on condition their.(And he can understand English...Speak a bit too)
My Mom House Wife (Not so Good in English)
Brother Handicapped (He can't speak) (But very Cute
So based on my condition what will be best to do??
Can we go as family or should i go first then take family later?
Please Suggest how to immigrate in Canada And what improvement needed to be their.
Thank you.
I am shomnath from kolkata,India
My family thinking to immigrate to Canada in future.Please tell what will be best way to do that
i appeared on 10th stander (i am planing to do MEDICAL LAB TECHNICIAN Or Certificate in OPERATION THEATER TECHNICIAN) As heard medical line is good to immigrate in Canada ? or should i do Nutritionist as that seam easy ? (Good in English Studied From CBSE Board) My birth year 1994 so their was a study gap.
My sis studying Environmental Science Honors (2nd year) + Also she can do Nursing course ...will that be good? (Good in English as Studied in CBSE Board too)
My Dad Business Owner (Furniture Shop) And he can either start a furniture business or start a farm (in Saskatchewan or Manitoba) Depends what he will like after he is their as he can't decide it yet and said he will take step what he will do their depends on condition their.(And he can understand English...Speak a bit too)
My Mom House Wife (Not so Good in English)
Brother Handicapped (He can't speak) (But very Cute
So based on my condition what will be best to do??
Can we go as family or should i go first then take family later?
Please Suggest how to immigrate in Canada And what improvement needed to be their.
Thank you.