Varun.taurus said:
I am applying for canada visitor visa. There is coloumn in the form where they ask current country of residence, visa type and "from" to "To"
I am indian national and now currently living in US. so what should I written in the place "from to". I m here in Us for visitor visa of 10 years. Should i need to write my 10 years of visa expiry dates or should i write when i came here date to till now ? kindly advice
You can enter "United States" and your status as "Visitor".
The dates are when you have physically been in the US, NOT your visa validity dates.
Attach a copy of your US visa and a screenshot of your electronic I-94 (even if CIC can access this information themselves).
Question 7
Choose the correct information:
The name of the country you live in , if you have been lawfully admitted to that country.
Your immigration status in that country (choose one of the following):
Permanent resident
Protected Person
Refugee Claimant
Other: You must fill out this section if you chose “Other” as a status.
The dates (From – To) you have been living in your country of residence.
Question 9
Check the box to tell us if you are applying from the country you live in.
If you checked “No”, choose the correct information:
The name of the country where you are applying from,
Your immigration status in that country by choosing one of the following:
Permanent resident
Protected Person
Refugee Claimant
Other: You must fill out this section if you chose “Other” as a status.
The dates (From – To) that you have been living in that country.
If you are not a citizen of the country where you are applying, you must send proof of your legal status in the country you live in when you submit your application.