Hi everyone, my sponsor sent a message to me informing that she was interviewed by MPNP officer last Wednesday November 28,2012 9:OOam Canada time. I am quite anxious since she claimed that she is not happy with her answers because she was'nt able to answer some questions right away. She said she got so nervous during the interview that it took her more than 10 seconds to answer the name of my spouse when she was asked if she know the name of my husband, besides she got the call while at work. She just rushed to the wash room to take the call.
here are some of other questions been asked that she can recall:
1.)For how long did she (referring to me) work as a nurse?
Her answer: Hmmm, I think more than 3 yrs. (she sounded not very sure. In my employment record it was stated march 2007 up to the present)
2.) Did she have any children?
3.)Can you explain how are you related with each other.
4.) What is her current work?
Her Answer: She is currently not working. (This is my greatest concern, She didnt even know why she answered I'm not working.I just told her the last time we talked that I'm on leave.But it wasnt clear to her. Maybe she thought that I quit my job. But I'm still working as a clinic nurse).
Follow up question...
5.) What are the reasons why she quit her job?
Her answer: Her workplace is quite far from home. and she decided to start a business. (She just invented answers just to justify her answer that I stop working. (Oh my, how about if they'll google map? the address of my workplace stated on my application it is just within the city where I reside)
6.) Do you have other relatives or her husband in other provinces/cities in Canada?
Answer: None
7.) so are you still interested to sponsor them?
Answer: of course yes. in fact i am so excited to meet them here pretty soon.
Now, there are a lot of questions in my mind because of this sponsor interview. Is it possible that they will call me too for an interview ? What will I answer if they'll ask me of my present job and why I quit work? Will I answer what is true or the same as my aunt's answer in order to be our answer to coincide?
Is anybody here, or somebody here has an experience or idea if employers have been called for an interview too? I'm praying hard that they will not call my employer anymore

I'm afraid, what if they'll call my employer and asked if I'm still working with them and my employer will tell them that I'm still in there company? Do you think it will create problem or reason for me to be refused on my application? Do I need to tell my employer that in case they'll call they will just say that I'm not with them anymore? I'm so confuse and bothered :-[
Please give me insights on these. Can't hardly eat and sleep because I'm waiting for a call from them too. Which I pray that they wont.
Thank you in advance> May God bless us all.