I applied under Family Stream simplexsimplex said:Hi Deejeetee!
Are you under General Stream? If you are under GS then I believe there is big possibility that you will be interviewed as well, like what happened to our dear Tweety05. However, I haven't read anything about an employer that has been interviewed by an immigration officer. I believe you should be truthful in all your answers so as not to complicate matters.
Actually, my sister-in-law did not answer correctly the questions asked about me either but see, we received our LOA already. I guess what is left for you to do is just pray and hope that everything will be okay. Miracle happens, just have faith.
I hope this eases your worries even just a bit. God bless!
Anyways, Congratulations on your LOA. Just checked, we're June batchmates.
From where are you from? Me, I'm from Philippines