Wish I could find the posting that was exactly like your case. They applied after the court ceremony and were refused since they have not had the public ceremony. The agent referred to the fact that they could not live together yet or consummate the marriage so they were refused. The CIC agents are familiar with cultural traditions and this will happen in your case as well. You'll then have to pay to repeat things like the medical because they are expired. Hopefully someone else can find the thread. Sounds like in general you haven't spent a lot of time together as a couple. CIC would like to see progression of photos together at various occasions. Sure you can apply after the wedding if you have your various documents and marriage registration.
we did a public ceremony. there was a party attended by 40 people. Does it have to be a wedding with a white dress? we are both originally not from the country we got married at. we dont know many people and we did not need to throw a big wedding. we dont have plenty of people to attend.
i have photos of us when we were kids, i have photos of just BBQ, photos hanging out, photos kissing outside, inside my place and even on the kitchen table sitting and eating together. photos from the celebration (party), photos from court, photos of both families having dinner with us sitting next to each other, restaurant pictures. i have about 3000 photos from 3 weeks.
"Sure you can apply after the wedding if you have your various documents and marriage registration" - please explain, i have the marriage certificate, bank statement of our joint account, plenty of text messages and calls, my parents and my air plant tickets, i even have recipes from every cafe/restaurant we went to (doesnt have our names). am i missing anything?