I am just wondering what is insane if you have to wait. I am not sure people said the same when they were waiting for their PR card. all you cared was that it has been approved and it will come. Filing complaints or legal action against immigration that wants to give you your citizenship based on if you meet their criteria.
I am not sure if people actually checked the population of people that reside in GTA and compare it with the ones that reside in other cities.
people should just have patience, sit down and relax. today on the news the topic was on immigration and the system need to be checked. I suggest you take a chill pill and releax as their is nothing you can do but just wait. if it means you waiting for 2 yrs, just wait .there are thing you don't have control over and you cant buy time you just wait for time and that should be the best approach than trying to file complaint against immigration. government establishment is not private. they have a lot of benefit. they have so much time in their hands. everyone is entitled to 4 sick days in a month and other benefit and they are always understaffed I am in one and I know what is going on . pls wait and allow time to pass. you just wait and don't give yourself hbp.
Relax. There is no reason to be all up in arms. Sometimes, venting (especially in this generally collegial space) is the only way to release some of the stress from the agonizing wait (which is justified because people are generally kept in the dark i.e. everything is done but there is no movement). And yes, sometimes people might say something that 'sounds' a bit much but everyone knows that at the end of the day, waiting until the process is done (however long that might take) is actually the only option.
[I happen to be around when PR applications -circa 2012-2013- were put on hold for a very long time and, unlike what you claim, people have actually complained - I still have messages in my inbox from fellow applicants checking in on one another, venting,...etc-. Eventually, things worked themselves out ].
Thanks for your message and concerns though. Nobody (govt workers and us) is perfect, I'm sure ( I hope), you didn't mean to be condescending but your message comes across as such. Have a nice day everyone and hoping for the best