I was refused an extension to my work visa in 2005 and was given until day x to leave Canada. I never mentioned it in my application due to my reading of the question in point. I had no issues with this in my appication.
I was refused an extension to my work visa in 2005 and was given until day x to leave Canada. I never mentioned it in my application due to my reading of the question in point. I had no issues with this in my appication.
Thanks canadian woman.... But my lawyer click NO for (d) part and YES for (e) part BUT was sopose to be YES for only (d) part and none for (e) part since that doesnt apply to me.. Also he stated the resons for both refusal in UK nd USA visas. So, is that a misrepresentaion??
I think because you did answer 'yes' to one of the questions, and freely admitted about the visa refusals, they won't call it misrepresentation. More likely they will see it is just a mistake. But it should certainly be 'yes' for 6d.
I would send in a corrected form with a detailed explanation.