There are 2 separate things in this case.How did he won the appeal and still be ban sponsoring his wife and kids?
1. The sponsorship application currently in progress. This is what may be rejected due to 177(9)(d), meaning the visa officer feels they were common-law/married at time the sponsor landed as PR as single. This results in applicant being forever excluded from being sponsored.
2. A 177(9)(d) carries an automatic assumption of misrepresentation to the sponsor, since not declaring a family member is a clear form of misrepresentation. So in some cases IRCC makes moves to open a new case to start investigating the sponsor's PR status
The poster above was referring to winning (2), meaning their PR status wasn't revoked for whatever reason, perhaps on H&C grounds. However that doesn't mean (1) is forgiven so spouse is still excluded to ever be sponsored.