i could only imagine!> my husband was only out of canada for 3.5 years and he is going through culture shock being back in mexico. its very different.
everytime we go to fancy areas or richer areas of cities he doesnt want to leave because hes used to that kind of areas in vancouver.
and he really doesnt like the food here anymore, he misses all the different asian cuisine in canada. haha
maybe he wont have to do an arc if its been one year since the deportation. i know of some cases of people who stayed illegal and after being deported for one year they didnt have to do the ARC, that would be very good news for you!.
thats true. at least now he will feel like hes a part of canada and welcome to live his life as he pleases. it will be amazing for him when he gets back!

we have alot of illegal friends in canada and i always hope they dont get caught because they have lives and families now. it would be so sad to see it torn apart