canadiangirl78 said:
I love animals and hate what happens in factory farming plus I watched Forks Over Knives which is very convincing. I was raised vegetarian so it's easier. I love Mac and cheese though.
Lol at your friend!
I've been vegan years. My health and my conscience has never been better

I helped out at Oasis Sanctuary for almost 2 years and it really does change perspective. I also volunteer at the local Veg Association. There are so many great organizations out there doing really good work.
Forks Over Knives is great! Also terrific films that everyone should see:
The Witness: (free on Vimeo and a really important film about simple compassionate choices we can make whether on a veggie path or not); and
the new Peaceable Kingdom (a personal fave, not graphic and told in simple personal storytelling fashion): I love Tribe of Heart and supporting their work is soooo worthwhile!
Best of luck in your vegan journey - the rewards are immeasurable for you, the animals and the planet. Win-Win-Win