I had just turned 17 when the whole refugee thing happened, mind you that as a dependent, I have to follow my dad, and I was largely ignorant on the whole thing, a 17 year old worries about friends and school, not immigration stuff lol, but think about this: Who would you be more suspicious about? The teenager who didn't apply for refugee, but his parents did and took him along the ride, or the adult who did apply by himself?
Like I said, things happen and if your relationship is genuine then you have nothing to worry about. My relationship is genuine, and I believe that with over 400 photos, letters, emails, chats, etc. I had enough to prove it, but like Canadiangirl78 said, we're dealing with humans, and this woman felt it "wasn't enough" which was ridiculous.
Just to point out how ridiculous my refusal was, the judge that granted my appeal wrote on the reasons for the decision that I was "pre-approved" just based on the evidence I had provided, my appeal had already been granted before the hearing with the judge. They just wanted to talk to me and hear my side of the story. He even wrote that the decision taken by the VO was "baseless"
The embassy is located in Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra 193
right here:
It's that building under construction LOL. You have to go in through the side street.
You'll do fine

Stop worrying so much, it's not healthy (I should follow my own advice LOL!)