lol! I like that one

Since I know how long sponsorship aprroval is taking these days, stage 1 has been surprisingly easy for me.. I think I will start to become less patient when I know our time is almost there, and deft once it gets to Mexico City I will be on edge, lol. We have come up with a solution for the PGR and SSR though, we will be flying my SO's mom to Mexico city when the time comes to get it for us. It will much cheaper, plus she gets to see all her family - doesn't get any better than that! Now I am off to start collecting and researching about visitor visa extensions, fun
p.s something that always keeps me going is know that even though this process may take a long time, it is something that will help your family your whole life, and you honestly can't put a price on that (for me anyways) bring on the wait times, CIC 8)