hello you all..... I have a couple of questions, I hope you guys can answer, by the way congrats to lovelycomplex...you can breathe now, I know the feeling....
Ok so first one is, what happens when you land in canada? I hear ppl said you need to fill out a form,
second is when they asked for ur passport how you know when they will give u back that, like they will send you an email telling u or u just get it at ut house and that it???Im asking this cus I dont know if u know my story but they requested my background checks from all the countrys I have lived and my original passport with the passport size photos all at once, thats why Im asking,
I am not 100% sure on their point but I would expect that they would advise you by email that documents are being returned.
and my last question is that my medicals expired on september 17, and around one week before that I got all the instructions to send my police checks and my passport with my passport size pictures so I reply telling them that my medicals will expired and i need the original passports in order to get my medicals, so they reply by saying follow the instructions we are not asking for remedicals.........ok so i sent all my police checks and the tracking number for the mexico datos registrales (that is been a pain in the butt, Im sorry cus I lived outside Mexico and I sent everything to the canadian embassy in Mexico just as they asked me ,I just dont know if they already have the results in my countrys embassy or the timeline for that process) anyway and I sent that to the embassy on october 15 and 1 week ago I got an email asking for remedicals and sent me a uci number and i did not need my oringinal passport for it only a valid id............so I did that 2 days after i got email, i just dont understand why if they knew my medicals expired or were about to expired didnt asked me right away for it, I mean in the first email tehy sent me, also the officer that interview me told me oh I see your medicals are about to expired, anyway, those are my qestions, hope you can help me, and good luck, God bless and hopefully soon we will hear some sweet news, is been a long journey!!!!
Impossible to say why they didn't ask you for remedicals in the first email. They may have overlooked it, or it was scheduled to be reviewed by the officer at a set date in the future and they actions simply didn't coincide. The good thing is you that you have everything submitted and hopefully soon you will be hearing some good news.