Food for thought!
Not having anything better to do


:-\ I decided I wanted to find the answer to a couple of questions that have been tormenting me for a while now.
The questions are:
1. How many Family Class Spousal applications is the MCVO processing at any given time?
2. What % of those Family Class Spousal applications is represented in the Mexico spreadsheet.
So, I dug around and extrapolated some data from the Government regarding Permanent Residency applications.
Follow along to see if my numbers jive :

, and feel free to comment or provide additional data/information
In 2014 Canada processed some 260,000 Permanent Residents worldwide, slightly higher than the number the previous year, some 259,000. I assume that these 260,000 are approved/landed PRs. Of those 260,000, approx 42,000 were applications for spouses, again worldwide. Those 42,000 spousal PRs represent approx 16.2% of the overall total of 260,000. I found the breakdown of the number of total PR applications, by country, so I added together all of the countries that the MCVO processes and the result was 8379. So doing a little math, 16.2% of 8379 is 1357. To review, Mexico processed 8379 total PR applications of all different categories. Using the worldwide % of 16.2 spousal applications. The result is that Mexico City VO processed approx 1357 Spousal PR applications in 2014. Or approx 113 applications per month. Surely there are fluctuations in the number of monthly application the VO receives.
As this relates to our spreadsheet, we had +/- 17 approvals during 2014 on the spreadsheet. One can conclude then that our spreadsheet represents only 1.25% of the overall number of Spousal only PR applications that MCVO processed during 2015.
In 2015, there are already 19 approvals year to date, with 4 months to go. All things being equal we could have 29 approvals on our spreadsheet by year end. Again, all things being equal, this represents approx 2% of the total # of Spousal PR applications that MCVO may be processing in 2015. So, the usernames in our spreadsheet represent only 1 - 2 % of all Spousal applications that the MXVO processes at any given time. A lot lower than I expected! I thought maybe 10 - 20 % would be closer. A large % of applicants must use immigration lawyers, have never found or the spreadsheet or don't care to share their timeline.
I found another data point in a different spreadsheet on the "open government open data" website. It is the "Permanent Resident Inventory" (Persons) as of Jan. 5 2015. It shows 931 applications in process, which I believe is a snapshot in time, at that moment for the MCVO Spousal applications only. Although this number is lower than the approx. 1357 annual applications, I think a reasonable explanation is that there are seasonal fluctuations in the quantity of Spousal applications that flow through the MXVO at any given time as well as ebbs and flows in the work processing.
Though the % of Spousal PR applications in the MCVO may be somewhat different from the worldwide %, I think it is reasonable to believe it is close to the same so I believe the data is quite accurate.
I urge you to check the data and if you find something additional or contradictory please post it. It's fun to speculate, postulate and dream about what may be.
My comments:
It surprised me a little that the VO receives somewhere between 90 and 120 Spousal applications each month. I didn't think it would be quite that high. I gives you some perspective on the workload the officers have for JUST Spousal applications. Add on the other PR application categories, plus TRV applications, etc. Makes me wonder how many officers there are working in the office on all those applications. ???
You can also appreciate the additional workload when Dominican Republic was added into the MCVO mix since May of this year. This definitely affected the progress of all other applications as they worked to bring the DR applicants mostly current with the rest. DR had approx. 72 PR applications in the spousal category in 2014.
3 years ago is Aug 2012, processing time for the MCVO was 13 months. It is published now as 18 months which I believe changed in May. It may well be higher now with the addition of DR applications.
It helps a little to remind myself that our applications are but a small fraction of the overall number the MCVO processes, though it really doesn't change my desire for quick processing of our application.
Total PR Applicants 2014
Mexico 4478 Rank 9th in the world for total # of PR in 2014 (all Categories)
Venezuela 1483
El Salvado 700
Honduras 402
Guatemala 317
Chile 299
Argentina 214
Costa Rica 175
Nicaragua 118
Panama 59
Belize 53
Uruguay 43
Paraguay 38
TOTAL 8379
% Family Class - Spousal Only 16.2 Worldwide Spousal % (42113/260327)
# Spousal PR Appl in MCVO 1357 Approx
# processed monthly MCVO 113 Approx
# 2014 approvals on Xsheet 17
#2015 approvals on Xsheet 19 YTD
Dominican Rep 444
Various spreadsheets can be found here: search "Mexico Permanent Resident" and various spreadsheet links will come up.
I welcome your comments...
Speedy Processing!