Lol, I assume you are talking about me. Sorry if I offended you Edgar. In my comment I didnt say (or mean to imply) that Mexico City is very dangerous. All I was commenting on was CICs new choice of avaliable choices of where to get medicals done in Mexico. I feel that places that were taken off i.e Merida, would be a much more desirable location to get your medicals done compared to Mexico City and Cuidad Juarez. Actually, I wasn't just talking about the DF's crime rate (which I was actually aware of) I made that comment more on the idea of how confusing it would be for someone who has not spent a lot of time there and could wander into a very bad area.. since good areas and bad areas seemed to be mixed together in Mexico, which could be problematic (just like any other city)
and p.s My hubby never said anything about Mexico City being unsafe,
That comment was based on my own opinion. Considering he lived there and his family is from there, he has a quite optimistic view of Mexico city, but I have also heard other Mexicans state that Mexico City is unsafe.
Anywho, I am the first one to advocate safety in Mexico, sorry if I didnt explain my comment well.