Hi Guys!!!.I am Kiran,I submitted Inland Spousal Application on 2nd April 2015, Got Aor in May 2015, OWP in June 2015. I got a request for new passport copy request ( AS my old passport expired in May 2015), Police Clearance and Request for Marriage certificate on April 13th 2016, After we sent all 3 requested documents by courier to CPC- Missisuaga on 20th April 2016.On 28th April 2016 we got request for medicals. What is usual the next process.Can I still have interview between me and my wife or...As I havent recieved AIP or SA,that worries me a little. Thank you!
I mean has anyone got SA or AIP after Medical.I always thought when they request medical you get SA at the same time.
SA - Spoonsor Approval
AIP- Full Applicant Approval.
I mean has anyone got SA or AIP after Medical.I always thought when they request medical you get SA at the same time.
SA - Spoonsor Approval
AIP- Full Applicant Approval.